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Camping and Poverty

Living in Haiti as an American is hard. It's complicated. It's uncomfortable. You are constantly bombarded with situations that throw your mind into a frenzy and remind you that you are different. We started our new weekly reading story in 2nd grade today. On Mondays I give a little background information on our topic to help the kids have a frame of reference before they read. Unlike the target American audience the curriculum is written for, my students often come into a story or assignment having no clue what in the world the book is talking about. Snowball fight, huh? Uncle Sam, who? Roller skates, what are those? Doors that open automatically, crazy! Stairs that move by themselves, why do you need those?  Today was one of those days. Our story this week is about a family that goes camping. Explaining what camping is to room full Haitian children is difficult. As I tried to describe how people leave their houses with electricity and comfy real beds to "rough it

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